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Checklist following a death in the family

Following the death of a loved one, there are several matters to tend to that can be overwhelming at best. These include personal, administrative, financial, and legal matters. The importance of getting organized will help in addressing things in a timely manner, as well as avoiding unwanted situations or costly mistakes.
Things to start on immediately:
☐ Contact funeral home: locate funeral pre-arrangement documents, arrange for cremation, if applicable, and find cemetery plot information
☐ Arrange for care of dependents and pets
☐ Secure home and valuables: water plants, throw out food, and winterize, if necessary
☐ Notify key people: family and friends, employer, attorney, executor, trustee, power of attorney
☐ Locate key documents: will and trust, memorial instructions, social security card, military discharge papers, life insurance policies
☐ Compile personal information of deceased: DOB, SSN, key family names
☐ Have mail collected or forwarded
Next steps:
☐ Collect important information: bills and statements, mortgage and other loan docs, real estate deeds, vehicle titles, tax returns
☐ Consult with attorney and CPA
☐ Bank Accounts: notify banks, cancel automatic payments, obtain most recent bank statements, determine ownership of accounts: individual, joint with right of survivorship
☐ Cancel credit cards: inquire about life insurance benefits, review statements, cancel recurring payments, subscriptions, obtain final bills
☐ Utilities and Services: Cancel any services no longer needed (phone, cable, paper, etc…), transfer utility accounts, obtain bills
☐ Life insurance: notify insurance agent and company, determine beneficiaries and obtain claim forms
☐ Employer/Pension: notify and inquire about life insurance, 401K/pension, other benefits
☐ Obtain death certificate from funeral home
☐ Update your own estate plan to reflect any new beneficiaries
The information above is for general purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice. Should you need assistance with an attorney or dependable resource, we’ve spent years building relationships with top-rated professionals to provide exceptional service and value to our clients.
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