
“Our company and its affiliates are established leaders in the financial services industry. We offer customized guidance and strategies to our clients.”

Importance of key person insurance

Key person insurance is life and/or disability insurance owned by a business on a key employee. The business pays the premiums and is the beneficiary of the policy. It is considered a risk management strategy, important for small businesses, when the loss of a key person could result in a catastrophic loss for the busi [...]
Key person insurance is life and/or disability insurance owned by a business on a key employee. The business pays the premiums and is the beneficiary of the policy. It is considered a risk management [...]
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Trading in our disability insurance for long-term care insurance

Generally speaking, sometime between your late 50's and age 65 is a good time to consider an important question for your retirement planning. When does protecting your assets (long-term care insurance) become more important than protecting your income (disability insurance)? Disability insurance is designed to protect [...]
Generally speaking, sometime between your late 50's and age 65 is a good time to consider an important question for your retirement planning. When does protecting your assets (long-term care insurance [...]
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Have you addressed these three items within your financial plan?

Most of us have basic concerns when it comes to managing our finances. Preparing for financial security for today and later in life is one of the most common goals we all have. Typical considerations include marriage, children, and extenuating circumstances. Have you addressed these three items within your financial p [...]
Most of us have basic concerns when it comes to managing our finances. Preparing for financial security for today and later in life is one of the most common goals we all have. Typical considerations [...]
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